• A hat with a design.
  • A hat with a design.
  • A hat with a design.
  • A hat with a design.

    oh no

    Regular price £24.50
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    haha yeah it's me again. I must not have got the invite but I knew you guys would be here anyway so I thought I'd just show up so here I am. The postal service is disgraceful these days huh? Don't worry about me being here you won't even know I'm around. Are these for free? Can I eat these? wow these cakes and small pies are delicious. I will just make myself comfortable over there at the free bar and play on my phone silently. We don't need to talk about all those things I said last time we met one another, I was black out drunk it's not a big deal I can't even remember is so why should you? I won't be a bother at all just let me in, I can just be at the back of the room smiling - The more the merrier right? Please I never told my wife about what happened and she thinks we're still on good terms and if I'm not in the photo's she will start asking questions and maybe find out the true nature of my character.

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